Introduction Controller Area Network (CAN) is a communication standard used in the industry. CAN is a communication protocol that allows different devices or modules in a system to exchange data efficiently and reliably. It is used for managing and monitoring devices such as engines, control systems, sensors, and ma…
Wersja 1, 2024-02-23 Autor: Klaudia Kostogłód Wstęp Połączenie stacji ładowania do systemu backendowego za pomocą OCPP (Open Charge Point Protocol) umożliwia zdalne monitorowanie i zarządzanie procesem ładowania. OCPP to znormalizowany protokół komunikacji, dzięki któremu systemy backendowe mają wspólny inte…
Introduction Connecting a charging station to a backend system using OCPP (Open Charge Point Protocol) allows remote monitoring and management of the charging process. OCPP is a standardized communication protocol that provides a common interface for backend systems. As a result, operators of charging stations can t…